Ethiopian orthodox tewahedo church

Reese Adbarat London Saint Mary of Debre Tsion Church



Matrimony is one of the seven sacraments, or “Mysteries,” through which divine grace is conferred upon the faithful in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. It is regarded as a holy and transformative union between a man and a woman that mirrors the relationship between Christ and His Church. Matrimony is not merely a social contract but a divine bond ordained by God.

The sacrament of matrimony is based on biblical teachings, from the Book of Genesis to the Gospels, where God establishes marriage as a fundamental aspect of human life. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church teaches that marriage was instituted by God at the creation of humanity, exemplified by the union of Adam and Eve, and is therefore inherently good and holy.

The primary purposes of marriage are to ensure mutual support and companionship, to transcend lust, and to facilitate the procreation and upbringing of children in the faith. Marriage is viewed as a means of achieving personal sanctification and holiness, as spouses are called to support each other in their spiritual journeys and to foster a loving and faithful household.

The matrimonial ceremony in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is rich with symbolism and ritual. It typically involves the exchange of vows, the blessing of the marriage by the priest, and the crowning of the bride and groom. The crowns symbolize the couple’s new status as the king and queen of their own home and serve as a reminder of their responsibility to lead their household in faith and virtue.

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